IZiko eliSiseko
Yabelana ngeli phepha



Vol. 3 MAY 1906 2

Ilungelo lokushicilela ngo-1906 ngu-HW PERCIVAL



IBHAYIBHILE licebo ekuthi ngalo indalo kunye nabantu babekho besuka kwinto engaziwayo, badlule kumathuba abo okukhula, baze babuyele kwinto engaziwayo. Ulandelelwano lwe-involution luvela kwi-aries (♈︎) ukuya kwiLibra (♎︎ ) ngendlela yomhlaza (♋︎); Ulandelelwano lwendaleko lusuka kwi-libra (♎︎ ) ukuya kwi-aries (♈︎) ngendlela yecapricorn (♑︎).

I-zodiac yezulu iboniswa isangqa esahlulelwe zizimpawu ezilishumi elinambini, kodwa xa sidibene nendoda imiqondiso elishumi elinambini yahlulelwe amalungu omzimba ukusuka entloko ukuya ezinyaweni.

Umntu wayesisangqa phambi kokuba eze kwihlabathi lenyama. Ukuza kwihlabathi lenyama waqhekeza isangqa sakhe kwaye ngoku kwimeko yakhe yangoku usisangqa esaphukileyo kunye nesandisiweyo-okanye isangqa esolulelwe kumgca othe ngqo. Njengoko ngoku umgca uqala nge aries (♈︎) entloko kwaye iphele ezinyaweni ngeepisces (♓︎). Oku kubonisa ukuba inxalenye yomgca yayingasentla kwe-libra (♎︎ ) yaye inxulunyaniswe neyona ndawo ifana nothixo, intloko, ngoku inxibelelene nomhlaba. Kwakhona kubonisa ukuba i-hinge okanye i-turning point yesangqa kunye ne-line ye-libra, kwaye ngokophawu lwe-libra (isondo) yonke imiqondiso, ukusuka kwi-scorpio ukuya kwi-pisces, yawela ngaphantsi kwendawo ephakathi kunye ne-balance sign of libra.

Indoda, njengoko injalo ngoku, iphila kumzimba wesilwanyana, ikhule kwaye iwalondoloze amalungu anjalo kunye namalungu omzimba njengoko kufanelekile ukuzala nokugcina umzimba wesilwanyana. Ukusuka ekusetyenzisweni ixesha elide ngaphandle kwendawo ebonakalayo kumzimba wenyama amalungu omzimba awamele amandla engqondo nawokomoya asetyenziselwa iimfuno zomzimba. Oku kunjalo kunye ne-zodiac yomntu kwimeko yayo yomzimba.

Umntu usenayo ngaphakathi kuye i-zodiac ejikelezayo, eyeyona zodiac yokomoya yobugqi, kwaye nangona engayisebenzisi kwimo yokomoya yobugqi, usenayo, nangona ingasetyenziswanga, iyinto yakudala, isetyenzisiwe, kwaye ingayisebenzisa, ngokucinga , xa enqwenela ngokunyaniseka ukungena kwindlela yangaphakathi nangaphezulu ye-zodiac endaweni yokuya ezantsi nangaphandle kwihlabathi leemvakalelo neminqweno. Le zodiac ejikelezayo, yokomoya neyokusebenzelana nemimoya ihla ukusuka entloko iye ezantsi ngaphambili komzimba ngendlela yentliziyo nemiphunga, i-alimentary, kunye nemizimba yokuzala yomzimba ukuya kwi-libra, amalungu esondo ke, endaweni yokuya ngaphandle, ingena ngaphakathi ukuya phezulu kwibala le-Luschka, emva koko kunyuka nge-terminal filament, intambo yomgogodla, i-medulla, iipons, kumaziko omphefumlo asentlokweni. Nantsi indlela yabo abo banokuphila ubomi obuvuselelekileyo kunye nobokomoya. Indlela isemzimbeni.

ukusuka ♈︎ ukuba ♎︎ , ngendlela ♋︎, yindlela kunye nenkqubo yokwakhiwa kunye nokwakhiwa kweempahla de umzimba webhinqa okanye oyindoda uphuhliswe kwaye uhlalwe ngumphefumlo okanye ingqondo esanda kuzalwa. Ukusuka ♎︎ ukuba ♈︎, ngendlela yomqolo, yindlela yokwakhiwa kweempahla zokubuyisela i-conscious of the breathed infleshed kwi-sphere yayo yasekuqaleni, kunye namava aqokelelweyo e-incarnations yayo.

I-zodiac kunye neempawu zayo zinxulumene kwaye kwaye zisebenza ngokugqibeleleyo, kwi-generative, nakwihlabathi elibonakalayo. Ngokunxibelelana ne-zodiac kungaboniswa usetyenziso lwayo kwiinkqubo ezifihlakeleyo zezona zinto zifunyanisiweyo zokomoya zifanelekileyo emntwini. Kuyimfuneko ke ngoko ukusebenzisa amagama athile, athi, elula, aya kuqondakala ngokulula, enzulu kwaye ebanzi, athi kwangaxeshanye abonakalise uphawu lwe-zodiac kunye nobudlelwane bawo namacandelo, iinkqubo, kunye Imigaqo-siseko yomntu, namandla akhe kunye nezinto ezinokwenzeka. Amagama azakusebenza kakuhle le njongo kwaye abonakalise iimpawu ezilishumi elinambini ngala: kukuqonda (okanye ngokupheleleyo), intshukumo, isixhobo (okanye ubuntlantla), ukuphefumla (okanye ingqondo yengqondo), ubomi, uhlobo, isini, umnqweno, ingcinga (okanye ingqondo ephantsi) ), ngokukodwa ((okanye iingqondo eziphakamileyo, ii-manas), umphefumlo, uya kuthanda.

Iimpawu ♈︎, ♉︎, ♊︎, yaye ♋︎, symbolize consciousness (the absolute), motion, substance (duality), and breath, which are the four archetypal principles of the Kosmos. They are unmanifested. In man, the parts of the body through which these Kosmic principles operate, and through which man reaches and relates his body to the macrocosm, are the head, neck, hands arms and shoulders, and chest. The head is the representative of consciousness, the absolute, because, broadly speaking, in the head is contained the idea and potency of every element, form, force or principle which has been or will be manifested in or through the entire body; because the entire physical body depends on the openings, organs and centers in the head for seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, which actuate the body; because from the organs and centers in the head the body obtains, holds, and maintains its form throughout life; because the life of the body has its roots in the head, from which life and growth is received and regulated in the body; because from organs and centers in the head the animal functions of the body are regulated, in which centers are also contained the germs of the desires of past lives which become awakened to action through the corresponding organs in the body; because within the ego-centers in the head there awaken the conscious perceptive and reasoning faculties and the conscious recognition and feeling through the body of the self-conscious intelligent principle of I-Am-I which speaks of itself as an individuality (not personality), separate and distinct from other individualities; because through the soul-centers in the head there radiates the light of the soul, which illuminates its universe, gives that illumination to the mind by which the mind knows of the relationship existing between each “I” and “thou,” and by which the human being is transformed into the divine principle, a Christ; and because through the head, when called upon, the will grants to matter the power of change, grants to life the power of growth, to form the power of attraction, to sex the power of procreation, to desire the power of absorption, to mind the power of choice, to the soul the power of love, and to itself the power of will to will itself into and become consciousness.

Intloko emzimbeni njengoko ukwazi-umgaqo opheleleyo-kwindalo. Ukuba ingcamango okanye uhlobo olufanelekileyo lwelungu okanye inxalenye yomzimba imelwe ngokungafezekanga entloko, ilungu elihambelanayo okanye inxalenye yomzimba iya kuba nesiphako, ingaphuhliswa, okanye ingabikho emzimbeni. Umzimba awukwazi ukuvelisa naliphi na ilungu okanye umsebenzi ngaphandle kokuba uqulethwe ngendlela efanelekileyo entloko, xa iyonke. Ngenxa yezi zizathu uphawu ♈︎ sisendodeni esimelwa yintloko, yaye simele saziwe njengesiqulatho esipheleleyo, esingenasiphelo, esipheleleyo—ingqondo.

The neck is the representative of motion (not movement) because it is the first (unmanifested) logos, the first line of departure from the sphere of the head; because that which is taken into the body receives its first motion from the pharynx and the desires of the body are expressed by sound through the larynx; because most movements of the body, voluntary or involuntary, are regulated through the neck; because through the neck are transmitted all influences and intelligent action from the head to the trunk and extremities, and because in the neck there is that center which permits the movement of all influences from the head to the body and from the body to the head.

Intamo emzimbeni ukuze iilogo zisehlabathini. Ngumjelo wonxibelelwano phakathi kwengqondo kunye nesixhobo.

Amagxa amele into, esisiseko, kunye neziseko, ubumdaka, ubumdaka njengoluphawu lwento. Ubungqingqwa bumelwa iingalo kunye nezandla. Ezi ziarhente ezithembakeleyo nezingalunganga ezithi ziguqulwe umbandela. Izandla ziiphuli zombane ezinobugqi zemimoya ezinokuthi zifumaneke iziphumo zomlingo ngentshukumo, unxibelelwano, kunye nenguqu yento esisiseko kwifom yekhonkrithi kunye neefom zekhonkrithi zibe yimpahla ebalulekileyo yento.

Amagxa kunye nezandla zomzimba zizinto ezikhoyo kwindalo yonke. Njengoko la maqela mabini achasayo evela kumthombo oqhelekileyo, ziiarhente ezimbini ezingena kuwo onke amanyathelo kukhathalelo kunye nokugcinwa komzimba.

Amabele nemiphunga zimele ukuphefumla ngenxa yokuba imiphunga zizitho ezifumana izinto ezitsalwa kukuphefumla; kuba ukuphefumla kuyavuselela kwaye kuqinise iiseli zobomi zegazi kwaye zibangele ukuba zijikeleze kwimizila yazo njengoko zijikeleza izihlunu zomzimba; kuba emiphungeni impefumlo ingena ngexesha lokuzalwa ukuvusa nokwenza umzimba ube ngumntu, kwaye kwimiphunga imigaqo-nkqubo yobuqu ishiya irhasi yokufa ekufeni; kuba emabeleni umntwana ufumana ukondliwa kwakhe kokuqala; kuba amabele amaziko avela kuwo ahamba ngokweemvakalelo zemijelo yemagnethi; kwaye ngenxa yokuba imiphunga zizitho kunye namalungu omzimba ekungene kuwo umgaqo-nkqubo wengqondo, uyaguqulwa kwaye uhlanjululwe, kwaye uhlala eza nokuhamba de umntu afumane ukungafi.

Umphefumlo usemzimbeni njengoko ingqondo iyi kwindalo iphela. Iphefumla zonke izinto ukuba ibonakalise, iwalondoloze ngendlela, kwaye ibaphefumlela kwakhona kwakhona kwinto engaziwayo ngaphandle kokuba baye bazazi.

Kungoko ukwazi, intshukumo, into, ukuphefumla, imigaqo-nkqubo ye-archetypal emine ye-Kosmos, inxulumene namalungu omzimba ngaphezulu kwidayari kwaye ngala malungu omntu aphenjelelwa ukusuka kwiKosmos yakhe.

(Iza kuqhubeka)